giovedì 3 novembre 2011


Scroll down for English version

150 gr burro a temperatura ambiente
250 gr zucchero a velo
1 cucchiaio di latte 
Lavorate il burro a pomata e aggiungete lo zucchero , otterrete una crema liscia e morbida, aggiungete il latte solo se ritenete sia necessario ( a me non è servito!!!).
Spalmate la crema al burro su tutta la torta e rimettetela per almeno un'altra ora in frigo.

A questo punto la torta sarà pronta per essere decorata con la Pasta di zucchero, che stenderete sottile, ricoprite la torta, e rifinitela bene.

English version


150 gr butter at room temperature
250 gr icing sugar
1 tablespoon milk

Work the butter cream and add sugar, you get a smooth cream and soft, add the milk if you think it's needed (I didn't add it !!!).

Spread the butter cream over the entire cake and put it back in the fridge for at least another hour .

At this point, the cake will be ready to be decorated with sugar paste, which roll out thin, cover the cake, and finish to decorate it.

With the advanced sugar paste can decorate the cake.

Decorate the cake the day before because it would be tasty and good, and if you follow my advice, the day before will not have to do than prepare the lemon cream, cut, wet, stuffing, cover with sugar paste the cake!

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